A reader of the Lakeland Ledger.com (Florida) had an issue with egg on the outside of her car and wanted to know if she would have an issue with “the smell of rotten eggs.” The author, Brad Bergholdt, offered the following advice:
Eggs are very tough on vehicle paint as they contain sulfur, a component of two amino acids. Once applied to paint, it can take only a short time when baked by the sun to etch or craze a vehicle’s clear coat finish. It sounds like you were fortunate to avoid noticeable damage, perhaps due to a good coat of wax and prompt action. Removing dried egg can be difficult without causing paint damage. Home remedies include soaking a soft towel in a solution of half white distilled vinegar and half lukewarm water or Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion and covering the affected area for a few minutes prior to gently working at the deposits.